TRX 400 FOURTRAX (1996 - 2003) brush plate repair kit for starter | RICK'S MOTORSPORT ELECTRIC

1996 - 2003 HONDA TRX 400 FOURTRAX
Brush plate repair kit for starter | RICK'S MOTORSPORT ELECTRIC

Fits to:

HONDA TRX 400 FW 4X4 Fourtrax Foreman [1996 - 2003
HONDA TRX 400 EX Fourtrax [2000 - 2001]
$39.72 -10%

Estimated delivery date to your address:
Dec. 8, 2024


Units Kit
Type 2 Brush| Brush Plate

Product description

High-quality universal-style brush plate repair kits Kits for Mitsuba starters include all brushes, springs, plastic parts and insulators Kits for Nippon-Denso starters include brush plate, springs and stud-mounted positive brush

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